geotechnical drilling services

Regardless of size or complexity of project, Geocentric Drilling takes pride in combining the advantages of Sonic drilling with conventional geotechnical sampling to provide our geotechnical clients the best of both worlds.

Accomplished in drilling in a multitude of terrains, Geocentric Drilling can obtain the highest quality Sonic cores and take SPT, Mod-Cal, or Shelby tube samples from the same borehole. Save on project costs and obtain accurate data all with one rig. Our Sonic rigs are set up at the factory to run high efficiency auto hammers.

Low clearance / Limited access / Indoor drilling

 Sonic drilling

 Piezometer and monitoring well installation

 Standard penetration testing and sampling

Limited access hollow stem auger drilling

 Direct push drilling

 Soil sampling: Split spoon, continuous, Shelby tube.

 Inclinometer wells

sonic drill long shot